• Question: The atmosphere is made out of many gases, what are those gases?

    Asked by danjerous to David, Helen, Ian, rhysphillips, Sarah on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: David Corne

      David Corne answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Mainly Nitrogen, lots of Oxygen, and plenty of methane from cows’ bottoms.

    • Photo: Ian van der Linde

      Ian van der Linde answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Nitrogen and Oxygen, and lots of other gases but in very small quantities. Of these, Carbon Dioxode and Argon are the most abundant. There is also quite a lot of water vapour, depending on where you live and the weather conditions.

    • Photo: Rhys Phillips

      Rhys Phillips answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and a whole load of others.

    • Photo: Helen Fletcher

      Helen Fletcher answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      There’s also a bit of krypton there, which is cool because it is used to make camera flashes and the fluorescent signs outside the kebab shop.
