• Question: spend it in africa, considering you spend a specific amount of time in such a magnificent place, you should donate some of your time to children to help educate them. why are you struggling to choose how to spend the money when there are less fortunates in places like africa?

    Asked by bryony123456789 to Helen on 12 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Helen Fletcher

      Helen Fletcher answered on 12 Jun 2011:

      Good question bryony123456789. “I’m a scientist” is about talking to school children in the UK. I’ve signed up to do this because I want to talk to YOU guys and think you deserve to have some money spent on you too. I am also passionate about Africa and want to help kids over there. Time wise the best way I can help kids in Africa is by doing the research I do. It’s mainly adults 20-40 years old who get TB in Africa and these are the working parents. If parents get sick and can’t work they don’t have money to pay school fees and kids don’t get educated. I could go and talk about science in a few schools and maybe inspire a few kids but I could potentially help many kids stay in school by developing a better vaccine for TB. Also, as I only go for short visits and don’t know the local communities in Africa or speak the local languages I might not have much of an impact. Or worse, I might annoy local people who have got school programmes running already and would wonder what right I have to interfere with what they are doing. I have actually been discussing with a South African colleague what the best way to spend they money in SA would be. She has come up with an amazing idea which I will add to my profile tomorrow (it’s getting late tonight…). Thanks for your question!!
