• Question: if you do win and get your website exactly how would this effect the children if at the moment they can only recycle or use a little less power as the our currant lifestyle totaly depends on power?

    Asked by adidasman0706 to David on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: David Corne

      David Corne answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      I’ve changed my mind about what I would do with the money. But I will do that website anyway, see the answer here to another question:
      But here’s the answer to your question: the point of the website will be to demonstrate that small actions CAN make a huge difference. You’re partly right, to say that at the moment most people (children or not) can only do what seems like a little bit. But, LOADS of people don’t do anything at all – and the reason for that is that many of those people think that what little they can do will not make a difference. In truth, this is wrong, for two reasons: (i) mathematically, scientifically, etc…,it is well known that small actions can have a really big difference on the outcome. Imagine a bomb at the peak of a hill — a tiny tny nudge on way might roll it into the sea, a tiny tny nudge the other way might roll it into a village and blow it up. (ii) If you recycle, or walk instead of drive, etc…., then people notice; every extra green act creates a kind of peer pressure that makes it more likely others will do it. Even just talking about it can have a significant effect, just nudging the whole system in the right direction. So, the idea of the website is to demonstrate, in various ways, how small actions CAN make a difference.
